Grand Tour Play – Excerpt
Grand Tour Play by Jyl Bonaguro Playwright is a short 1 act play about two strangers meeting on a bus, Francois and Madeleine. Francois attempts to open Madeleine up to other ways of living out her life via art, love and happiness. A short 1 act 5 minute play.
Perfect. And you have such a beautiful french name.
Yea, but everyone calls me Maddie.
Oh, you should go by Madeleine.
I was always Madeleine in Paris.
I would sketch in the streets. I sold a lot of sketches actually. Still not much money.
I would like to see the sketches.
Maybe sometime.
(Man boards and walks down the aisle holding flyers.)
Behold the word of God. He sayeth unto me. Listen to my words and be saved.
Sorry about this, it’s not unusual. He’s going to ask for money and I don’t think I can afford to be saved today.
It happens in France too. But I think to be saved, you must want to be. Desire is the best savior.
The face of the savior looked down on me and do you know what he said? He said I can save you. At the time I was living on drugs. I was treating my kids really bad. I was not a good person.
(Man passes out flyers.)
I am almost certain that desire allowing you to be saved goes against most teachings.